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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wemmick's Two Different Sides

Wemmick-a man who has to be very serious all the time at work even though he really wishes that he could open up and just be himself. This man, Wemmick, see’s people every day who loose their cases and sometimes even walk away with some of their most important valuables to them because that was the only way that they could pay Wemmick and Jaggers. Wemmick is a very serious man at work because he is afraid that if he would to just be himself he could lose his job or have something bad happen; he knows that Jaggers is a man of work and really nothing else. Wemmick also knows that Jaggers would not agree or put up with someone who was not serious about his work, that is the reason Wemmick is always serious when he is talking and doing work.

But, that is not the real Wemmick. When he gets to his home which he calls a castle--because most likely is proud of what he owns, he opens up to Pip to show his real self. He takes Pip through his house and during that time shows Pip that really he is a man of kindness and not all work. Wemmick even takes care of the Aged One and even nods to him in the halls, that really shows Pip that he is almost putting on an act at work, which would be his serious side, but really he is nothing like he looks like he is… if we had to describe Wemmick in two words they would be—kind and loving.

Dickens is really trying to get a point across here, and that would be that everybody can be different when they are not around certain people. That, what Dicken’s was symbolizing there showed what Wemmick really is.


  1. Your content is really good. I like the way you organized the response to the paragraphs so that you could tackle one piece at a time, and you show real insight. I do have to add that you need some serious revision, and edit work. "Loose" for "lose", run-ons, plurals that should be singular, YIKES! Go back and clean it up because your thoughts are too important to be written so wrecklessly:(

  2. Hi,
    It is exactly so! I liked Great Expectation, and I like Wemmick, too. But as for now, I was searching for the meaning of wemmick, which is the kind of people taking the main role in some of Max Lucado's stories. You have given the right answer, the meaning of a wemmick - here it is. It helps a lot in understanding Lucado's concept in 'You Are Special'.
    I heartily recommend the stories - they are to be found online...
