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Friday, January 22, 2010

Falling with my hopes and dreams~

Lying here looking up at the sky, I wonder how I got here. I don't know how long it has been or why I am even here when suddenly my memory takes control over me. I am seeing flashbacks when I see myself hiking up a mountain and I am about 3/4 the way to the top. All of a sudden I see myself loosing oxygen and then, there I go: I start to fall. I can see is me, falling all the way down, falling, falling, and falling some more when I then find myself at the bottom where I am now. The only thing I can remember is my name.
I can barely make out where I am or what mountain I was even climbing when I see another flashback, and realize that it was Mr. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world and I had just fallen to the bottom with my hopes and dreams. My memory is coming back to me now when I remembered that I did this for my family, to make them proud and show them that I could do it, really to show the world that I could do it, I could climb the tallest mountain ever! Now, letting that thought leave my mind for a moment I start to think if I will ever be saved? Will anyone know that I am out hear, lying in the snow just barely making it anymore?
Suddenly I hear beeping noises all around me, the sound of trucks coming through the snow, when I look through the small hole that I made with my hands beneath the snow and see that it is an emergency crew, they were coming to save me! They tell me to get up but at the moment it was impossible I couldn’t feel my arms or my legs, so they help me into the truck and quickly wrap as many blankets around me as they had. I reach the emergency room and they rush me in. When I get to see the doctor they do a few test to see if I will need any serious attention. I am sitting in the waiting room for a few minutes when the doctor is arriving in my eyesight and then reaches me to tell me the good news. They had told me that I was going to be ok. I would need to stay there for about a day but luckily I wasn’t in the snow that long to do any serious damage. Although—they did tell me that I had a broken arm and leg but I thought, what the heck! For falling nearly from the top of Mt. Everest and only breaking an arm and a leg I must be the luckiest person on Earth right now!
This response was for the piece that I saw at the Milwaukee Art Museum that is shown above. It was the wall of rocks which to me in my mind made me think of falling: the ways the rocks look. Then after I thought about falling my mind almost took me to this story and that is how this story came to be! I hope you liked it!

1 comment:

  1. Sam, it may be helpful to the reader to know you are writing in response to the art you saw at the museum. Otherwise it may seem a bit random. "Mr. Everest"? Woops. Go back and clean the text up, as well as paragraphing. The sense of falling is really good to portray because that's the feeling the artist wanted you to have when looking at this installation.
