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Saturday, September 18, 2010



This just goes out to the 8th and 7th grade new Advanced Classes with Mr. Johnson!

I was one of his old students, he's the best teacher that you will have this entire year and I hope that you really enjoy your year. I know I did when I was in his class and do something that he won't forget you with. I know that he will never forget me imitating him walking around the class room even though it was never intentionaly meant to be like that! I hope you guys have fun this year! And add me as a friend, I would love to read and comment on some of your post that you write this year!

~Sammmmmmm :)


  1. Thanks for the message, Samm. I miss you guys, and hope your year goes really well. I'm sure high school holds a lot of fun and challenges for you in the coming years. I'll be sure to talk up all your blogs for my students to use as references.

  2. Sam, are you already following my blog?

  3. Thank you so much Mr. J, we miss you too. Everytime Taylor and I come to see in the mornings you'r never there and then we have run down the hallways like ninjas because Ms. Grandlich doesn't like us coming to visit. I don't really know whats wrong with comeing to see a teacher??? :) Whatever, Taylor and I hide in-between people we know or run into the library, a place where she will not find us! As for Ryan, I am pretty sure I am already following your blog. Let me check on that.
