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Monday, April 26, 2010

Living in a World of Despair~

Authors Note:A Response to: The Power and The Glory about how the Whiskey Priest has lost all his hope but slowy, with baby steps, starts to gain some back.

Living in a world filled with despair, the only thing that keeps the priest going is the hope that God will save him. As the priest gets put in a jail, he thinks to himself that he may have a chance in surviving this--that is until he realizes that they are going to find out who he really is in the morning, when the birds are calling, the sun is shining, and all faces are on the prisoners.

As the night starts, he only keeps thinking to himself, this will be the last. Tomorrow I shall be killed and my life shall be over. When the other prisoners wonder why he is in there, he tells them that he has been caught for smuggling spirits. Until the young lady in the corner says 'father'. He knows that this will be the last night so "He said after a moment's hesitation, very distinctly, 'I am a priest'" (125). He wonders if it is the wrong move to say that, yet again he thinks that the world should know who he really is and God would want him to let people know that he believes in Him and follows the Bible.

The night goes on, and he tries to spend it best he can in a jail cell in a city unknown to him. The morning appears and it wasn't like he thought it would be. Oh they noticed him and all the prisoners all right, but not in the way he thought. The Whiskey priest thought that in the morning they were going to find out that he was the priest and shoot him, to vanish him from the Earth completely.

Instead, they took him separately, but only to make him do a different job. Seeing they didn’t think that he deserved to do the work that the other prisoners were ordered to do. They still hadn't noticed him, and he felt like God had just given him another chance, a second life. He takes hold of it and continues to do the orders of the government. Now, slowly inch by inch, step by step he starts to gain some hope again.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you ened this Samm. I love happy endings so the way that you end it with hope is pefect! Although, I wish you would have given your opinion about this part of the novel. You do a really great job of summarizing and telling what happened but I really want to hear your point of view about the story.. Great job Samm:)
