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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Lifetime Thinking

Authors Note: Christopher is a young boy who has been diagnosed with autism. Even though this is a disorder, he is a very smart kid.

The young boy, filled with wonder, thinks about everything in his spare time. About how the stars look, and how someday, he knows that he Earth is going to end--when the universe isn't black anymore and all we will see are a bunch of lights coming towards us in millions of miles a second. About how… "prime numbers are like life. They are logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them"(12). Things like this are true. All the time, and every day, everywhere in the world, people think of the things that are not realistic questions. Why? There are no answers because they are never found and answered.Things that are just unexplainable are questioned and its sad when you get dissapointed, knowing that they will never be answered. Christopher knows that these things are true, there are not always answers to life's questions, and that is why he relates them to prime numbers. Everything is logical and everything works out at some time or another but even if you spend a life time thinking about how these things happen, you may never find the true answers.

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