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Monday, May 31, 2010

Lost in Life--Wondering~

Peom written by: Samm Snyder

Lost in life wondering.
Alone in the room
Not knowing what's going on
What's going to happen

I lay in the hospital bed
Wondering where I am
Why I'm here.
As I see my body

There's glass in my arms
I'm all bruised up
Scratches and Scars
All over me

I think as hard as I can
Wondering, what I had gotten into
When the doctors come
And tell me the horrible news

The news that I still... can't stand to hear
I was in a major car crash
A drunk driver ran the red light
And the worst part... was yet to come

My parents were in the car with me
And got hit head on
Launched from the windshield
And killed at an instant

I hear the news and start to bawl.
As they try to say their sorry
I told them to go away
I wanted to be alone.

I pray to God everyday
Asking him "Did I deserve this?"
I know the answer is 'no'.
But I am lost in life--wondering


  1. SAMM! I would just like to say this is amazing child. Haha I lovee it. I read it when you first wrote it, it's soo good. I can't think of anything to change. Great job Sammmmmmm. :)
    -Tmae. ♥

  2. Samm, this is really good. It's kind of deppressing, but I like that it's about something that most people don't like to talk about. Great job!

  3. Thanks sooooooo much! I know, I realized that it was kind of depressing as I was writing it but I kept writing because I thought that it was going to turn out good. haha. Thanks!
