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Saturday, September 18, 2010



This just goes out to the 8th and 7th grade new Advanced Classes with Mr. Johnson!

I was one of his old students, he's the best teacher that you will have this entire year and I hope that you really enjoy your year. I know I did when I was in his class and do something that he won't forget you with. I know that he will never forget me imitating him walking around the class room even though it was never intentionaly meant to be like that! I hope you guys have fun this year! And add me as a friend, I would love to read and comment on some of your post that you write this year!

~Sammmmmmm :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Really Your Best Friend?

Poem written by: Samm Snyder

Best Friends
Someone to be there for you
Best Friends
Someone to rely on
Best Friends
Someone to tell you secrets to
Best Friends
Someone to call when you’re sad
Best Friends
Someone to laugh with
Best Friends
Someone to share good memories with
Best Friends…
But then there are those times when you hope that you didn't say the right thing and them mad. Or do the wrong thing and they get angry at you. Why do we think like this about our best friend? Best Friends should be everything above. Not someone that you have to worry them getting mad at you and hating you for a few days. Best Friends are people that you should always be able to get along with. If you can't, then are they really your best friend?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Most Important Things in Life~

Sitting by the beach, feeling the warm air all around me, I wish that I would never leave. As I sit on white sand beaches of Hawaii I think to myself that this is a place to get away from the world around you. No politics, no gossip, no rumors, nothing is going on. By yourself, sitting as the waves crash on the shore and the seagulls fly through the air. I sit pondering, and I soon want this to be my new home. Move and live here: why not? Nothing could be any better. Then I think that I wouldn't really know anybody. My entire family lives back at home, all my friends, my future collage, and career. This would be the best place to live, but I would lose everything in my life that is most important to me.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Lost in Life--Wondering~

Peom written by: Samm Snyder

Lost in life wondering.
Alone in the room
Not knowing what's going on
What's going to happen

I lay in the hospital bed
Wondering where I am
Why I'm here.
As I see my body

There's glass in my arms
I'm all bruised up
Scratches and Scars
All over me

I think as hard as I can
Wondering, what I had gotten into
When the doctors come
And tell me the horrible news

The news that I still... can't stand to hear
I was in a major car crash
A drunk driver ran the red light
And the worst part... was yet to come

My parents were in the car with me
And got hit head on
Launched from the windshield
And killed at an instant

I hear the news and start to bawl.
As they try to say their sorry
I told them to go away
I wanted to be alone.

I pray to God everyday
Asking him "Did I deserve this?"
I know the answer is 'no'.
But I am lost in life--wondering

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Lifetime Thinking

Authors Note: Christopher is a young boy who has been diagnosed with autism. Even though this is a disorder, he is a very smart kid.

The young boy, filled with wonder, thinks about everything in his spare time. About how the stars look, and how someday, he knows that he Earth is going to end--when the universe isn't black anymore and all we will see are a bunch of lights coming towards us in millions of miles a second. About how… "prime numbers are like life. They are logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them"(12). Things like this are true. All the time, and every day, everywhere in the world, people think of the things that are not realistic questions. Why? There are no answers because they are never found and answered.Things that are just unexplainable are questioned and its sad when you get dissapointed, knowing that they will never be answered. Christopher knows that these things are true, there are not always answers to life's questions, and that is why he relates them to prime numbers. Everything is logical and everything works out at some time or another but even if you spend a life time thinking about how these things happen, you may never find the true answers.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life Choices in Effect--Forever

Hey here is the link to got to my essay on The Power and the Glory~

Check it out! Thanks! :D

Friday, May 14, 2010

Two Humans in Love

Poem written by: Samm Snyder

Two Humans In Love

She lies in bed wondering--
Does he ever think of me?

He tosses and turns; but always wonders--
Does she ever think of me?

All the memories that were once made
And all the thoughts that were once thought

As they tremble through the night
They wonder when they will finally reunite

Something that they both question
Will we ever see each other again?

The night their eyes met
Was the night they fell in love

Thinking they will never meet again
They try to get back to sleep

His dreams are all filled with her
Her dreams are all filled with him

But going through life
Constantly…with a loss of hope.