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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Leaves and Bare Branches~Samm

Bare branches

once full trees of many colors

green, yellow, orange, red

you could go on and on

Bare branches

the seasons changing from summer to fall

from fall to winter

the hot sun blazing

to the autumn trees swaying in the wind.

Bare Branches

they change to the leaves swaying
to just falling

now with piles on the ground

just the branches left bare

Bare Branches

There are now piles and piles of leaves

all around the ground

waiting for someone to jump right in

Bare Branches above

when I hear someone in the distance—

a little girl and her mom
they jump in the leaves together

make the leaves fly to the sky

then come back down.

That little girl may always

or never does this in the fall

but either way that memory will stay with her

for a long time…

Floating Down The River...-----Yay! I finally got my poem onto my blog... it's not set up right but now you can at least read it!

Standing by the river

All by my self…

With no one around me

I listen to the peaceful sounds

The birds crowing

The trees moving

And the water moving

Down the river…

I see a reflection of me

Then I see a stuffed bunny

Floating down the river

Maybe a little girls' or boys'

Dropped in and never able to see it again

Maybe it was special

I think of something special

My blanket

I don't know how it would feel

To loose something so special

I would be devastated

They must have been devastated

Loosing something you will never see again...

Friday, October 23, 2009

ROCK~Stream of Consciousness

Rocks, Boulders all over the place. Big, almost taller than me as I stand next to them. I hear a loud noise from above… the area that I am standing in is at the bottom of a canyon and I can hear something tumbling from above… then it is starting to get closer--I can make out what the noise is in my mind. It is more like a boom, roll, roll, and keeps on continuing. Suddenly I feel crumbs of dirt and tiny pieces of rock fall on my shoulders like gentle snow but then I look up and notice that it is about the way opposite of gentle snow… it is the boulders above starting to fall to the ground and I am trapped underneath them… me not knowing where to go I start to run, running, and running as far and as fast as I can out of the way of these huge falling rocks. I notice that there is a small earthquake that is hitting and that is what is making the rocks fall. I don’t' know what to do…. There is nothing around me to even keep me safe. It is almost like I was in the middle of the desert; when there is nothing around, but the only thing that changes is that I am in the middle of a canyon, lost and having no where to keep safe. Suddenly I see a small cave as I am running. I have no idea what could be in it but it decide to go seeing that that is about the only thing around that could keep me from getting killed. I go in; luckily there is nothing in there. I stay there until the earthquake is over and then I walk out. I see rocks all around me and decide that I want to get out of there as soon as I can. I start heading out the ways I came in but now I have to make it around all of the rocks… yes… I can finally see the cars, that shows that I will be able to live-- to be free out of this massive canyon that I have been trapped in.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall-Bare Branches~Stream of Consciousness

Bare branches--they were once full trees of many colors, green, yellow, orange, red, you could go on and on with the colors that are in every season. But when I think of bare branches I think of the seasons changing from summer to fall, and fall to winter. it goes from the hot sun blazing at every moment to hearing the colorful autumn trees and leaves swaying in the wind. From that they change to the leaves swaying to just falling, now with piles on the ground and just the branches left bare. There are now piles and piles of leaves all around the ground just waiting for someone to jump right in when you I hear someone in the distance-- it is a little girl and her mom they jump in the leaves together and make them fly to the sky again and then come back down. That little girl may always or never does this in the fall but either way that memory will stay with her for a long time...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

2009/2010 Writing Goals!

My Writing Goals for 2009-2010 are...

  • Try to balance text evidence, quotes, opinion, and voice
  • Don't be to casual or to serious when I write anything
  • Try not to use so many [...] in my writing
  • Use more syntactic devices in writing
  • Have stronger paragraphs
  • Have a bigger vocabulary
  • Use more quotes

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mountain~Stream of Consciousness

Mountains-- they are all around the world weather it may be in one of the hottest places ever or one of the coldest, but they are there. As I arrive at the Grand Tetons and my parents tell me to get out of the car because we were going to go to the top I was amazed. Just at the image that I could see. It was almost as I was looking at a postcard and I was just placed there by a magical fairy. Then when we get into the cable car to go to the top the word amazement goes away and now it is just a sight that can never be replaced- the word that had replaced it was" priceless". . Being there at the end of July the snow was still on the mountains and the water was flowing down them like a calm river. When we finally reach the top my jaw just drops open and I cannot make any words come out of my mouth. You cannot say anything about them… they are just too beautiful. The only thing someone could keep saying is "wow this is the most amazing view and sight I have ever seen" and they were right. It said that we were at the tallest point in the U.S. that anyone could hike or go up--over 8,000 feet in elevation… Then when we started to take a small hike, and we could not stop taking pictures. After we returned to the flat ground at the bottom I tell my mom and dad that this is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited in my life. Mountains are just an amazing thing created by nature.