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Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall-Bare Branches~Stream of Consciousness

Bare branches--they were once full trees of many colors, green, yellow, orange, red, you could go on and on with the colors that are in every season. But when I think of bare branches I think of the seasons changing from summer to fall, and fall to winter. it goes from the hot sun blazing at every moment to hearing the colorful autumn trees and leaves swaying in the wind. From that they change to the leaves swaying to just falling, now with piles on the ground and just the branches left bare. There are now piles and piles of leaves all around the ground just waiting for someone to jump right in when you I hear someone in the distance-- it is a little girl and her mom they jump in the leaves together and make them fly to the sky again and then come back down. That little girl may always or never does this in the fall but either way that memory will stay with her for a long time...


  1. Great job on this. You know... this could easily turn into a poem. Just take out a few words here and there, and it would be a great poem. Anyway, I love your sidebar story, and all the pictures. Cool blog!

  2. Thank you very much... I never really thought about making it a poem but you are right... I could make it a poem... And HAHA YOu like my story... hahah... it's a true story too!


  3. When I read, this it reminded me of my childhood! Thank you for that! Nice blog, by the way!
    Mrs. Mundt
