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Friday, October 23, 2009

ROCK~Stream of Consciousness

Rocks, Boulders all over the place. Big, almost taller than me as I stand next to them. I hear a loud noise from above… the area that I am standing in is at the bottom of a canyon and I can hear something tumbling from above… then it is starting to get closer--I can make out what the noise is in my mind. It is more like a boom, roll, roll, and keeps on continuing. Suddenly I feel crumbs of dirt and tiny pieces of rock fall on my shoulders like gentle snow but then I look up and notice that it is about the way opposite of gentle snow… it is the boulders above starting to fall to the ground and I am trapped underneath them… me not knowing where to go I start to run, running, and running as far and as fast as I can out of the way of these huge falling rocks. I notice that there is a small earthquake that is hitting and that is what is making the rocks fall. I don’t' know what to do…. There is nothing around me to even keep me safe. It is almost like I was in the middle of the desert; when there is nothing around, but the only thing that changes is that I am in the middle of a canyon, lost and having no where to keep safe. Suddenly I see a small cave as I am running. I have no idea what could be in it but it decide to go seeing that that is about the only thing around that could keep me from getting killed. I go in; luckily there is nothing in there. I stay there until the earthquake is over and then I walk out. I see rocks all around me and decide that I want to get out of there as soon as I can. I start heading out the ways I came in but now I have to make it around all of the rocks… yes… I can finally see the cars, that shows that I will be able to live-- to be free out of this massive canyon that I have been trapped in.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good stream of consciousness! I like the part where you said the rock crumbs were like gentle pieces of snow! That was good! I also liked how descriptive you were! Nice Job!
